

  • Ric,Herbert,乔安娜·摩尔,Lee,Perry
  • 120分钟
  •   Three pigs; George, Marko and Joe …  Three pigs; George, Marko and Joe are tricked out of their money by a con artist wolf and his mate, Frank Weasel. Thrown out of their rented home, the pigs have to build a new one. Unfortunately, they can't agree on a building material. Marko decides on straw, but the wolf blows it down. Joe settles on sticks, but the wolf blows that down too. George, the smartest pig, uses stones. The big bad wolf can't blow down the stone house. When he and Frank climb down the chimney, the pigs capture them and hand them over to the authorities and the pigs live happily ever after.



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影片看点:《三只小猪》在其它发行,。本站提供三只小猪 HD、BD、720p、1080p、1280p、全集百度云蓝光资源,pc网页端、手机mp4、高清云播放等线路, 支持手机免费在线播放完整版。

剧情主要讲的是:  Three pigs; George, Marko and Joe are tricked out of their money by a con artist wolf and his mate, Frank Weasel. Thrown out of their rented home, the pigs have to build a new one. Unfortunately, they can't agree on a building material. Marko decides on straw, but the wolf blows it down. Joe settles on sticks, but the wolf blows that down too. George, the smartest pig, uses stones. The big bad wolf can't blow down the stone house. When he and Frank climb down the chimney, the pigs capture them and hand them over to the authorities and the pigs live happily ever after.
